Monday, November 14, 2011

Wanderer's Life - Chapter 1

Chapter 1
The Wanderer coughed, he had just woked up in his Unit. He looked out his window. He saw some creepy goop dripping out of the pipes
Then a fist lunged at the glass of his window, breaking it immediately! The man... he was not a man, nor woman. He was gigantic,
and look mutated. He looked like a mix of an ape, a dog, and a human! The Wanderer ran, but the thing grabbed him.
"You're goin' in the goooooooooop." The thing said. "What is the g-g-gooop?" The Wanderer asked, scared, nervous, and frightened.
"You'll see. Heh heh." The thing said - He started to laugh.. his laugh, it was deep, scary, and made the Wanderer's spine tingle.
Then the ceiling fell in! The Wanderer survived the pipes and rocks falling in, that crushed the thing, and he climbed through the cave it
opened to and found himself outside. He was in some sort of wasteland... The place where he lived, Unit 32, protected him and his friends
from what caused the wasteland to form. The Unit, so deep underground, protected them from the bombs that fell across the world.
He saw a sign. It was crudely written, and said clearly, "Follow the PATH to PORRADO!" Porrado? What was Porrado? Porrado must of been
a colony made by the survivors of the bombs or Unit citizens that exited their Unit and created a settlement in the wasteland. Then he saw
this officer wearing a ushanka and a coat.. walking to Porrado. He noticed the Wanderer, and shouted "Who the HELL ARE YOU?! Unit 32
wasn't meant to open for another 5 years!" He ran up to the Wanderer and pointed a pistol at his face.
The pistol had an L on it surrounded by 50 stars forming a circle around it. He must of been in an army of US Government survivors?
"Welllll...." The Wanderer replied, thinking if he should tell the officer his story. He looked at his E-Wrist 3000 on his wrist, and checked his
charisma and speech accuracy, and saw he wasn't gonna talk his way out of this. "I escaped - The roof caved in and I ran out." The
 Wanderer replied.
"Hmmm. I'll let you slide, I'm suppose to kill unauthorized Unit citizens that were not issued to exit the unit yet. Here, take this leather jacket,
the others won't attack you if you have this on!" The Officer said, handing him a leather jacket. "Thank you..." The Wanderer said, and slipped
on the leather jacket covering his Unit-jumpsuit. His E-wrist 3000 made a noise, and he was alerted about the jacket's stats. The jacket
protected the Wanderer from 6 damage, and weighed 2 pounds. He needed a weapon. Cleary people were hostile in this
wasteland. "Oh, and welcome to the Jova." The Officer said, and tossed him a .32 pistol, with some .32 rounds. "You'll need that.
 Have a nice day!" The Officer said, and ran off.
He continued to walk to Porrado, and the path got shorter and shorter. Then he saw it - A town! But a flag flew from the entrance. A shining
sun, and a guard in armor that looked like it was made of rope and metal. Then, before the guard could say anything he saw the officer wave
to him, the one who gave him the jacket and pistol, and then the guard's head exploded into blood and gore. He had been sniped! Most likely
by the army the officer was in.
The officer gave him a look that said "I helped you - now you help me." The officer started to shoot at the other guard-looking-men, who had
the shining sun logo on their armor. He shot too, and felt the power of a gun in his hand. In the fight of the two wasteland factions, he looted
the dead bodies, and found out the name of both of them. The men with armor and shining sun flags were called the Shine Legion, and the
men in coats with ushankas were the Libertians. He fought with the Libertians against the Shine Legion, and they suceeded in the battle. The
General of the group came up to him, and shook his hand.
"You helped us a lot, stranger. What is your name?" He said. "Well, my friends call me Wanderer." The Wanderer replied. "Since you helped us
so much, would you like to join the Libertians in the fight for good ol' USA?" He asked the wanderer. "Yes, yes I would." The Wanderer replied,
with a grin. He was becoming a tiny bit important. The stranger who helped the Libertians take Porrado, a Shine Legion colony.
The next day, the Wanderer was assigned a Libertian coat, ushanka, 5 bottles of medi-cola (The fast-healing drink of the wasteland), a rifle that
used .72 rounds, called a Libertian rifle. He carried that and his .32 pistol gifted by that officer. He and that officer became good friends in that
one day. That officer's name was Carl, Carl Tattle.
The Wanderer went on many missions with Carl, but the most interesting was Operation: Unit 81. It was his first mission for the Libertians.
It took place a day after he joined the Libertians. The mission was horrifying and traumatized half of the officers. But not Carl or the Wanderer.
The Wanderer arrived at Unit 81, with Carl. They both had .72 rifles loaded, and ready to fire at any hostiles in Unit 81. They opened the
unit door, and noone was there to greet them. They continued walking, and the Wanderer and Carl were told to goto the Living Areas of
the unit. When they entered, a large rat attacked them! It was easily killed by Carl, and the rat's family scurried over and attacked Carl.
The Wanderer helped Carl and shot them down, and they continued onward.
Then they saw a Unit citizen! Finally, they found one. "Who are you?" Carl said. "Yeah. Who are you?" The Wanderer said, after Carl.
"My name is Tatter Ray... I might be the only one left in this Unit... see, the rest of the citizens-" The citizen said, but was cut off by a giant
claw grabbing him violently by the face, and ripping it off! "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" The Wanderer yelled, amazed by the thing.
"That, that was a.... I don't.. know.." Carl replied, astonished and frightened.
Carl did not know what it was, and did not want to know what it was. They continued exploring the living areas, and eventually found themselves
in the labs, where the others had went. In the labs, the other libertian officers had died. The remains of them were ripped and hung in the lab.
The lab was bloody and red, and skeletons wearing unit jumpsuits were there with the Libertian officers - who were dead, killed by something
huge, who hung them and ripped them and decorated the lab with their limbs, blood, and bodies. "Oh. My. God." Carl and the Wanderer said
in astonishment and both got chills down their spines.
"Thank god we didn't go with them..." Carl said. "Thank god that thing LEFT. Hopefully. I think..." The Wanderer said.
Then, as if calling it, the thing, huge, with gigantic claws and a face covered in blood came into the room. The Libertians named its' species
the Unit Claws. The Wanderer got an alert as the thing ran in, a message from president of the Libertians, President LANDER! He and Carl
took cover and the Wanderer looked at his E-wrist 3000, seeing the message. It read:
"Wanderer! Carl! I pray to GOD you're still alive. The things in the Unit - They're called Unit Claws. We saw them once in Unit 76. Take caution in
them! They will and can kill you! -President Lander"
It was short and sweet, and now they knew what it was.
They had only one choice - The one grenade they were given for protection from possible mutant threat. They threw it at the Unit-Claw, and it
exploded, destroying the thing in a explosion of blood and bones. They were prepared to exit, but a Libertian dressed in armor that looked
so advanced and mechanical and carried a minigun that was even more advanced and astonishing. "Carl. Wanderer." He said.
"President Lander wants you both dead. He thought the Unit Claw would finish you off." He said, and coughed, and continued. "But seems I
have to since the tracking device on your grenade said it had exploded." He coughed again. "Goodbye." He said, coughed again, and the
barrel on the minigun began to spin and spin and spin. Carl and the Wanderer ran. The bullets coming out of the minigun followed them like
a shadow. They retreated to the safety of an abandoned bunker, coughing, tired, and nervous.
And so the Wanderer went from the high to the low, now hunted by the Libertians. Carl stayed by his side - They were friends, and that would
not split them apart.
The Wanderer and Carl waited until the Libertian left, and then slept in some makeshift beds. They were happy to have survived.
And so the Wanderer slept that night, with one eye open. The Libertians were after him and would not spare him or Carl.

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