Monday, November 14, 2011

An Introduction to the Wasteland

You, my friend, are either in the great Jova, or in one of the other wastelands on this planet called Earth.

Welcome to 2345, the year where things are just starting to happen after the war that ripped the Earth apart and left it as a wasteland.

Unit Citizens who are reading this, you just exited your Unit or escaped. If you just exited, make your colony. If you escaped, get some new clothes on! Libertians will kill any unauthorized Unit citizens outside their Unit.

Wasteland Wanderers, I'd advise you to settle down. The life of a Wanderer is dangerous - continue wandering and you may die.

The threat of the Libertians and NUSR still remain even after the fall of Data, which was thought to kill off all the factions in the Jova.

Welcome to the Wasteland. Have a nice time.


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